You may have seen a lot more colourful socks have arrived with us lately - we're excited to have more of Sweden's brightest export, Happy Socks.
In winter, just as we opened we chose mostly subdued, muted tones in merino wool and hemp but now it's just about summer we've gone for the cheerful stripes and spots in colours which really do say "happy". They are all one-size for men and women (we've found if they're a tad too big just tumble dry after their first wash and they fit smaller feet perfectly)

We've also gone for some over-the-knee styles just for ladies.

Striped Over-Knee socks @ £10
They always receive great press:
The Times magazine :

Hemp Happy Socks @ £9
Spend in Style magazine :

Spotty Happy Socks : £7.50
Velour Magazine :

Various Happy Socks : £7.50
Elle India :

Spotty Socks £7.50
Elle Greece :

Tube Happy Socks : £5