Today, our Hope & Greenwood chocolates arrived - they also do the Mr Stanley's range and we had a wonderful afternoon with lots of tea and far too many samples of their really quite delicious flavours.

They come in lovely striped boxes and we have rose, violet and lime fondant creams covered with dark chocolate - all only £4.50 a box. We were all in agreement the flavours were great and as we tasted each new flavour it became our newest favourite (yes, we're fickle!)

We've also got some traditional peanut brittle and my personal childhood favourite, chocolate coated girly birdhouse boxes filled with chocolate pecans or chocolate dusted caramelised almonds...£6.50

Possibly our favourite item is the "For a Good Girl" or "For a Good Boy" miniature boxes, tied with red printed ribbon and filled with foil covered chocolate eggs. A lovely treat for a child, or the childlike :)

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